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I made for my son teepee. I don´t have done pillows yet. My son likes teepee. He likes watching me from a window :-D He likes "reading books" there.

I will not lie to you, teepee took me a lot of evenings :-D It was worth for it.

You will need:

* 6 yards fabric (5,5 meters) - for teepee, pole tubes, pillows, ...)

* 3,5 yqrds (3 meters) pom-pom trim. Buy more if you want sew pillows with pom-pom

* padding 1,1 yard (1 meter)

* dream catcher

* 4 poles about 2 yards (about 1,80 meters)

* fabric glue

* sewing machine

Click the link below to watch :-)

I bought a stamp with a feather because I want more Indian teepee. You don´t have to use. I use only red, orange is too light color.

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